Well guys, we did it! We made it to the half way point. Like all academic years, this one is soaring by. I still remember the first day when I (not very technological) was saying to myself OMG HOW DO I MAKE A BLOG?! Haha embaressing now... anyways! We're half way through some pretty interesting and challenging material. I don't have too many comments to make currently about our english topics, however... in my last cultural geography class my professor did a lecture on Racial Humor. He talked about meaning behind them, how they came about, and he even told some, actually A LOT. Point being, I was slowly drifting into my "not paying attention" zone, staring at whatever could amuse me when he said that the language of jokes is how we express our ethnic emotions and feelings towards one another, and word for word said, "well, its certainly not the other way around. Langauge doesn't shape us" and I was like, "BAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" you are wrong (atleast according to the post-structuralist knowledge I have) And I have a good laugh about it to myself. I wanted to turn to my fellow classmates and be like "Did you hear that?!" Sadly, it was not possible. But thanks to the good ol' blog, I can still get it back to all of you :) I included this picture with it, for I found it to be very interesting. In my cultural geography, I've learned sooooo much about so many different languages! And when I came across this picture on the net, I had to share it with all you. Take care everyone, enjoy the snow!!!!