I actually watch tv hardly ever, however I seem to turn it on at the right time! When I got home from school today, after having had our Boys Don't Cry workshop today I turned on the Oprah show to find the perfect episode! After doing our transgender study of Brandon, I was very excited for today's episode on Oprah. It was a story about a "boy" who was the ideal American son. He was the lead qauterback of a high school football time, and as described his fathers "dream son". However all through his teenage years he knew something wasn't right. Many years later, he made the long-desired decision to have a sex change to a female, now he is known as she, Kimberly. She talks about the hardships of making the decision, and how she felt about the world around her before and after it. Even her own father did not find out the news for atleast A YEAR later. The mother was very supportive, and Kimberly also has had a girlfriend for 10 years that was very supportive through the change. Her girlfriend brought up interesting views that we touched on today. She talked about how growing up she felt difficulties being a more "boyish" girl, and how she did certain things to fit her "gender role" in order to feel accepted. Both talked about gender roles and acceptance, although both talked about how they overcome these obstacles with time. Oprah replies with saying, its important that everyone finds the real them, like these individuals have.
Its truly an interesting interview I encourage any further interested in our transgender study to look up!! Have an awesome reading week!!!