Thursday, November 19, 2009

Beneath the Surface!

When I first made my blog, I was quite self-concious that I did not come up with a good title... until now. Earlier on this week when I was writing my assignment one of my sentances actually wrote, "beneath the surface lies a deeper..." and I looked at it and thought, hmm where did I see that? Haha sure enough it finally clicked that it was my blog title! I was quite happy, dork as it may seem. For I feel like my title very much applys to language, and therefore to life. There are always deeper meaning rather than what is just presented as the surface. It is our jobs as academic students to plunge through this surfaces and find it!!!! I'm hoping that I was capable of doing so in the assignment we just handed in, but you never know I guess. I got the idea that the jar represented conformity of human society, and from there ran with it. It was challenging like all, but never impossible. I'm very interested to see where we go next with all this, and like the last theories interested to see how I apply them through my own perspective. I understand post structuralism, but understanding it and applying it to your own outlook are two completely different things! But I'm always up to give these new perspectives a try!!!! Til my next post on Beneath the Surface!!!! :)


  1. I love getting the feeling that something clicks!I always thought your title was pretty good though haha.
    ... Side note: I think you should look at a girl from classes blog I just saw, if you haven't seen it already. I think you'll find it interesting. Especially coming from both a feminist and christian point of view, its rather contrasting.. kind makes you wonder how you can be both.

  2. Thanks for the compliment about the title ;) haha I feel a lot better about it now than in September that's for sure. As for the other blog I did read it and found it very interesting. I mean, of course it's hard to be open minded as a Christian reading a critique on Christianity. It's hard to have you're worldview somewhat shook, and stripped a part. But like anything, if you really believe in something, you should know everything about it and see every view point, and if you still believe in it then you are not being narrow minded about it. The more I can take in not only as a student, but as a person in society, the better off I can live my life :)
